Plan – Announcement

We’ve put a new coat on our Czech language book.

You can still purchase it in bookstores under the title Svěřenské fondy – krok za krokem (Trusts – Step by Step” – 2nd Edition).  But we are also now offering substantially the same book under a new title:  Plán – Jak ochránit vše, co za život vybudujete (The Plan – How to Protect Everything You Build in your Lifetime).

We made this change because the old version looked like a legal textbook.

Those of you who have read the book will know that it is nothing like a legal text.  Instead, we wrote our book for ordinary people who use, or plan to use trusts.  It is full of practical examples and tips. It aims to inspire you and;

  • to help you  protect and preserve your property,
  • to benefit future generations, and
  • to strengthen your family and prevent family disputes.

You can now order the new version of the book here.  .

Eva Hrušková and James Turnbull